偏头痛(migraine)、白蛋白(albumin)、神经痛(neuralgia)、基本概念(basic concept)、特发性面神经麻痹(idiopathic facial paralysis)、尿蛋白定量(urinary protein)、阳性率高(high positive rate)、双下肢(both lower limbs)
A. 位于肺门部
B. 由段以下支气管发生
C. 鳞癌多见
D. 痰涂片检查阳性率高(high positive rate)
E. 晚期肺门淋巴结转移
[单选题]The (1) is a general description of the architecture of a workflow management system used by the WFMC, in which the main components and the associated interfaces are summarized. The workflow enactment service is the heart of a workflow system which consists of several (2).
A. A
[多选题]女性,20岁,主因面部皮疹1个月,眼睑及双下肢(both lower limbs)可凹性水肿3天,伴有少尿,化验:血清白蛋白27g/L,A/G0.8,CRE133IxmoI/L,尿蛋白(++++),24小时尿蛋白定量(urinary protein)5g,ANA1:640,Sm抗体(+)
A. A, B, C, D, E
A. 企业供应物流
B. 生产物流
C. 销售物流
D. 回收物流
E. 供应链物流
A. 特发性面神经麻痹
B. 三叉神经痛
C. 症状性癫痫
D. 面肌抽搐
E. 典型偏头痛