

来源: 必典考网    发布:2022-08-31     [手机版]    
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1. [单选题]船舶浮力作用线垂直于船舶()。

A. A.甲板线
B. B.水线面
C. C.龙骨基线
D. D.以上都是

2. [单选题]某轮到港时排水量Δ=15000t,dM=8.15m,TPC=25t/cm。现在港卸货1000t后又加载500t,之后由标准海水区域进入水密度为1.006g/cm3的区域,其吃水为()m。

A. A.7.66
B. B.7.86
C. C.8.06
D. D.8.26

3. [单选题]当漂心位于船中但有拱垂时,按计算的平均吃水的精度()。

A. A.与吃水大小有关
B. B.与拱垂大小有关
C. C.与水密度有关
D. D.与吃水差大小有关

4. [单选题]A load line is assigned to a ship to insure adequate stability and().

A. mooring tension
B. riser tension
C. lifesaving equipment
D. structural strength

5. [单选题]The amount of freeboard which a ship possesses has a tremendous effect on its().

A. initial stability
B. free surface
C. stability at large angles of inclination
D. permeability

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