巴戟天(morinda officinalis how)、冬虫夏草(aweto)、肉苁蓉、补骨脂(fructus psoralea)、淫羊藿(barrenwort)、菟丝子(dodder)、祛风除湿(dispelling wind and eliminating dampnes
...)、补肝肾(nourishing liver and kidney)、强筋骨(strengthen muscles and bones)、补肾阳(kidney-replenishing)
A. A.补肝肾(nourishing liver and kidney),暖腰膝B.壮肾阳,温脾阳C.补肾阳(kidney-replenishing),祛风湿D.补肝肾(nourishing liver and kidney),强筋骨(strengthen muscles and bones)E.补肝肾(nourishing liver and kidney),行血脉
A. 白术
B. 黄精
C. 天冬
D. 黄芪
E. 甘草
A. A.胡桃仁、肉苁蓉B.巴戟天、淫羊藿C.蛤蚧、冬虫夏草D.续断、锁阳E.蛤蚧、菟丝子
A. 气虚自汗
B. 阴虚盗汗
C. 气分实热大汗
D. 湿温汗出
E. 黄汗证
A. A.滋阴B.潜阳C.止血D.养心E.健脾
A. 补肾阳(kidney-replenishing),祛风除湿(dispelling wind and eliminating dampnes)
B. 补肝肾(nourishing liver and kidney),调冲任
C. 补肝肾(nourishing liver and kidney),益精血
D. 补肝肾(nourishing liver and kidney),托疮毒
E. 收敛固涩、益气生津
A. 润肠通便
B. 养肝明目
C. 纳气平喘
D. 止血化痰
E. 温脾止泻