
()is the management system to control the material consume

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  • 【名词&注释】

    集装箱空箱(empty container)

  • [单选题]()is the management system to control the material consumed, reduce inventory in the manufacture company.

  • A. DRP (Distribution Resource Planning)
    B. LRP (Logistics Resource Planning)
    C. MRP (Material Requirements Planning)
    D. ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning)

  • 查看答案&解析 查看所有试题
  • 学习资料:
  • [单选题]Since rail network is not as extensive as highway network in most countries and its limitation to fixed track facilities, as a result, railroads provide () service.
  • A. Door to door
    B. Door to cy
    C. Door to cfs
    D. Terminal to terminal

  • [单选题]Supply chain management is the () of these activities through improved supply chain relationship, to achieve a sustainable competitive advantage.
  • A. Collection
    B. Assembly
    C. Integration
    D. Operation

  • [单选题]Ocean transport use ()ships mostly.
  • A. Bulk
    B. Container
    C. Barge
    D. RO/RO

  • [单选题]What is the meaning of “short hauls”? ()
  • A. Near way
    B. The distance is not long
    C. Direct line
    D. Short road

  • [单选题]What is the distribution processing value? ()
  • A. Distribution
    B. Processing
    C. Sales and processing
    D. Changing the length, thickness and the package of the goods

  • [单选题]集装箱空箱回运费的英文缩写是()。
  • A. FIFO
    B. FCL
    C. LCL
    D. ERC

  • 本文链接:https://www.51bdks.net/show/3dwp0n.html
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