历史经验(historical experience)、切身感受(firsthand taste)、自我教育法(self teaching approaches)、《委曲求全》、不得而知、慷慨激昂(vehement)、教务主任(director of teaching affair)、清华大学图书馆(library expansion)、袁世凯称帝、各个方面(every aspect)
[单选题]对于小明的毕业旅行方案,小红对小明说:"全班同学都会赞同。"过一会儿,她又说:"没有哪一个同学不会不赞同的。"可以看出( )。
A. 小红赞同小明的方案
B. 全班同学赞同小明的方案
C. 全班同学反对小明的方案
D. 小红的话前后矛盾
他不苟言笑,瘦长白净的脸上,嘴角略微向下掀。1936年外国语文学会的合影里,他穿件深色的西服,搭配斜纹领带,背着手,和吴宓一左一右立在中央,满脸严肃。自1915年伦敦大学毕业,王文显便在清华教书,直至1937年学校南迁其间,他历任教务主任(director of teaching affair)、代理校长和外文系主任。不同于为人的刻板,他写出的剧本却别有一番幽殷,"没有丝毫沉闷无味之处"。
在暗讽袁世凯称帝的喜剧《梦里京华》中,他写下一幕大小老婆争当皇后的闹剧:"大太太喘气喘得活像夏天的狗。她旋转得眼花燎乱。姨太太一个箭步跳到她身后,伸手要抓她的头发。她没有抓住头发,仅仅撕下她的领子。"他的另一部英文喜剧《委曲求全》,写的则是教授勾心斗角的丑态。男主角是一位大学校长,一出场,便抱着哈巴狗,大言不惭地对下人说:"我要不耍一点儿手腕,你想我能维持五分钟之久吗?"这是这位代理校长的切身感受吗?人们不得而知。至少,在现实中不大看得出来。在会议上,他不慌不忙,不东拉西扯;做事方面,他一丝不苟,"各个方面(every aspect)无疵可求"。甚至,他永远一个样儿,抽烟斗,打网球,夏天穿短装,冬天换长袍。温源宁说他"像个固定的设备毫无改变",调侃他为清华的"不倒翁"和"定影液":"没有他,清华就不是清华;有了他,不管清华还会再有多少变革,也依旧是清华。"
清华大学图书馆(library expansion)东北角不远处,曾是王文显居住的北院往宅区。梁启超、朱自清等学者也一度在这里居住。而如今,这里则是一大片草坪,稀稀拉拉种着柳树和杨树,有学生在看书,也有老人推着童车,早已不复是"点点翠竹千般绿,几条小路尽文人"的景象了。
A. (1)增强说服力,进一步突出王文显剧作别有一番幽默,肯定他喜剧创作的能力和影响。引出下文对王文显任代理校长时行事风格的叙写,形成对比,以突出王文显治校的持重务实,一丝不苟。(2)表层方面:王文显身上体现了清华的特质与精神,在清华有着重要的地位。深层方面:严谨的治学精神和包容的治校理念,是清华的灵魂。坚守学术性和包容性,清华就不会因为任何变革而改变;反之,清华将不再是"清华"。
[单选题]学生心理健康教育的主要场所是( )。
A. 家庭
B. 社会
C. 学校
D. 工作单位
[单选题]"桃李不言,下自成蹊"这句话所体现的德育方法是( )。
A. 实际锻炼法
B. 榜样示范
C. 陶冶教育
D. 知道自我教育法
[单选题]Passage 2
According to one account, the hamburgerwas first sold at the Erie County Fair inHamburg, New York, in 1885, by brothersFrank and Charles Menches. The two Ohio brothers had arrived on the grounds of thefair too late to get a supply of chopped porkfor their sandwich concession. The butchersold them beef instead, and after the Buffalo,New York, suburb where they were doing business.Hamburg's claim to be the site ofthe first hamburger is disputed by the townof Seymour, Wisconsin, where a man named Charles Nagreen is claimed to have servedhamburger sandwiches in 1885.
Another story about the origins of theubiquitous burger states that in the late 1800'sFletcher Davis, a potter in Athens, Texas,wasn't selling enough pottery. Therefore heopened a lunch counter. His specialty? Aground-beef patty served between slices ofhome-made bread.In 1904 Davis went to theWorld's Fair in St. Louis, Missouri, with hisrecipe, which was, of course, a big hit. At theFair the ground beef sandwich was deemedthe hamburger, because in Hamburg, Germany,ground beef patties were popular, though thepatties there are more like meat loaf and lack a bun. (lt is believed that 19th-century Germansailors learned about eating raw shredded beef, “Steak Tartare,” in the Baltic Provinces.A German cook eventually had the idea of cooking the Tartare mixture.)
Fletcher Davis is also credited with servingfried potato strips at the World's Fair. A friendin Paris, Texas, had given him the idea, but a reporter thought that Davis said “Paris,France,”and those potatoes are forevermore“French Fries.”Another contender in the“hamburger invention” contest is Louie'sLunch, a Yale off-campus eatery. This NewHaven, Connecticut, site is said to have firstoffered the burger in 1895.
The commercial bun on which hamburgers are now served was created by diner operatorWalter Anderson of Wichita, Kansas, who alsoinvented the modern grill (both events around1916) and then established the chain of White Castle hamburger restaurants.Lionel ClarkSternberger, later proprietor of the Rite Spotsteakhouse in Los Angeles, experimentallytossed a slice of cheese on a hamburger hewas cooking at his father's short-order shop inPasadena, California, in 1924, thus originatingthe cheeseburger.
The word “cheeseburger” was patented byLouis Ballast in 1944. Ballast grilled a slice of cheese onto burgers at his Denver, Colorado,drive-in.
Well, you know the rest-McDonald's, BurgerKing, Wendy's, White Castle, etc.-burgers everywhere. Some good, some so-so. But certainly an all-American favorite. A “classic.”
Which of the following might be the best titlefor the passage?
A. Burger Flavors
B. Burger Recipes
C. Burger Beginnings
D. Burger Ingredients
[单选题]“再生产科学所需要的劳动时间,同最初生产科学所需要的劳动时间是无法相比的,例如学生在一小时内就能学会二项式定理。”这表明教学活动具有( )。
A. 引导性
B. 简捷性
C. 直接性
D. 实践性