螺旋桨(propeller)、动平衡(dynamic balance)、可能性(possibility)、活塞杆(piston rod)、静平衡(static balance)、柴油机增压器(diesel supercharging)、喷油泵柱塞(injection pump plunger)、不一定(not always)、二冲程低速
A. 动平衡/螺距
B. 静平衡/运转
C. 动平衡/运转
D. 静平衡/螺距
A. 0.003MPa
B. 300mmH,0
C. 3000Pa
D. A,B,C均可
A. 活塞裙部
B. 活塞头部
C. 活塞外圆
D. 同轴度
[单选题]相同工作条件下,回油孔式喷油泵柱塞(injection pump plunger)与回油阀式喷油泵柱塞(injection pump plunger)相比,发生穴蚀的可能性()。
A. 两者一样大
B. 前者大
C. 后者大
D. 不一定(not always)
A. 修刮
B. 焊补
C. 粘接
D. 更换
[单选题]The design of () is similar to that of the main bearing.
A. the block bearing
B. the camshaft bearing
C. the connecting rod small end bearing
D. the connecting rod large end bearing
[单选题]With VIT the start of injection may be () as the engine load is reduced within a certain range.
A. advanced
B. retarded
C. relayed
D. cut off
[单选题]The lube oil to lubricate the surfaces of the cylinder liners is spread over by the ().
A. sliding piston rings
B. engines camshaft
C. small pumps
D. forced feed system
[单选题]The most important factor in engine performance is the actual power output at the end of the crankshaft available for doing workThis is known as ().
A. indicated horsepower
B. brake horsepower
C. net horsepower
D. friction horsepower