
21.请阅读Passage 1,完成第 1~5小题。   Passage 1   Hidde

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  • [单选题]21.请阅读Passage 1,完成第 1~5小题。   Passage 1   Hidden Valley looks a lot like the dozens of other camps that dot the woods of central Maine.There's a lake,some soccer fields and horses.But the campers make the difference.They're all American parents who have adopted kids fiom China.They're at Hidden Valley to find bridges fromtheir children's old worlds to the new.Diana Becker watches her 3-year-old daughter Mika danceto a Chinese version of“Twinkle,Twinkle,little Star.”“Her soul is Chinese,”she says,“but reallyshe's growing up American.”   Hidden Valley and a handful of other“culture camps”serving families with children fromoverseas refiect the huge rise in the number of foreign adoptions,from 7, 093 in 1990 to 15, 774last year.Most children come from Russia (4, 491 last year) and China (4, 206) but there are alsothousands of others adopted annually from South AmericA.Asia and Eastern Europe.After cuttingthrough what can be miles of red tape,parents often come home to find a new“predicament”.“At firstyou think, 61 need a child',”says Sandy lachter of Washington,D.C.,who- with her husband,Steve,adopted Amelia.5,from China in 1995.“Then you think,‘What does the child need?’”   The culture camps give families a place to find answers to those kinds of questions.Most grewout of local support groups;Hidden Valley was started last year by the Boston chapter of Familieswith Children from China.which includes 650 families.While parents address weighty issueslike how to raise kids in a mixed-race family,their children just have fun riding horses,singing Chinese songs or making scallion pancakes.“My philosophy of camping is that they could be doing anything,as long as they see other Chinese kids with white parents,”says the director,Peter Kassen,whose adopted daughters Hope and lily are 6 and 4.   The camp is a continuation oflanguage and dance classes many of the kids attend during theyear.“When we rented out a theater for 'Mulan,' it was packed,”says Stephen Chen of Boston,whose adopted daughter lindsay is 4.Classes in Chinese language,art and calligraphy are taught by experts,like Renne lu of the Greater Boston Chinese Cultural Center.“Our mission is to preservethe heritage,”Lu says.   Kids who are veteran campers say the experience helps them understand their complexheritage.Sixteen-year-old Alex was born in India and adopted by Kathy and David Brinton of Boulder,Colo.,when he was 7.“I went through a stage where I hated India.hated everything about it,” he says.“You just couldn't mention India to me.”But after six sessions at the East India Colorado Heritage Camp,held at Snow Mountain Ranch in Estes Park,Colo.,he hopes to travel toIndia after he graduates from high school next year.

  • What can be inferred about Alex from the last paragraph?

  • A. The culture camps caused Alex to hate everything about India.
    B. The East India Colorado Heritage Camp led to Alex's immigration.
    C. Hidden Valley served as a link between Alex's old world and the new.
    D. The culture camps helped Alex better understand his mixed-race family.

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  • A. 良好的教学研究能力
    B. 良好的课堂管理能力
    C. 良好的课程开发能力
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  • A. 隐私权
    B. 财产权
    C. 名誉权
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  • A. 广州
    B. 福州
    C. 泉州
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  • A. 适应
    B. 同时对比
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  • A. 小明有错在前,学校虽严厉但正确
    B. 学校做法正确,对其他在校学生起到了警示作用
    C. 学校违反了法律规定,小明可以追究其刑事责任
    D. 学校可以对小明予以批评,但不得开除

  • [多选题]下面是李老师的教学札记中的一篇。   上学期,在我任教的初三(2)班上,有一位男生特别聪明,但对我所教的物理不感兴趣,成绩较差。他特别喜欢操作计算机,有时装载一些新软件,有时诊断一下计算机运行钟的问题,还时不时编写一些小程序……如果我能对这位学生加以引导,应该能调动其学习的积极性。恰好我也正在学习现代教育技术,于是我利用课间特意跑到班级,向他请教计算机方面的问题。一次又一次,时间长了,他被我这样努力学习的精神所感动,我借机开导他:“计算机方面你是老师,我是学生,在问你之前我对计算机方面的这些问题一窍不通,觉得很难,无从入手,但我觉得只要多问多学,就一定能掌握计算机知识。同样的,如果你能把学习计算机的那股劲放在学习物理上,你的成绩也一定会像我的计算机水平一样突飞猛进。经过多次贪心,他终于有所触动,不仅学习上积极主动,而且经常与我探讨物理知识,期末时他的物理竟考了95分。   问题:   请结合材料,从教师观的角度,评析李老师的教育行为。(14分)
  • A. 【参考答案】 材料中李老师的做法是合理的,符合新课改下的教师观要求,值得其他老师借鉴,具体表现在: (1)从教师角色的角度来看: ①新课程要求教师应该是学生学习和发展的促进者。教师应该把激发学生学习动机,指导学生学习方法,组织管理学生的学习过程,培养学生自主学习、合作学习的能力作为自己工作的主要目标。在教学过程中,教师要注重培养学生的发现和探究的能力以及实践动手能力,激发学生的创造潜能,使学生学会学习。材料中,李老师通过自己的做法影响学生,引导学生认识到如果自己把学习计算机的热情和努力用在学习物理上也可以学的很好,激发了学生进行学习的积极性。 ②从教学与研究的关系看,新课程要求教师应该是教育教学的研究者。新课程要求教师应该是一个研究者,在教学过程中以研究者的心态置身于教学情境中,以研究者的眼光审视和分析教学理论与教学实践中的各种问题,对出现的教学问题进行研究,总结经验,并形成规律性的认识。材料中李老师以教学札记的形式记录自己教学中遇到的实际问题和解决方法、时刻总结经验,最终取得了良好的效果。 (2)从教师行为转变的角度来说,李老师的行为符合以下几点: ①在对待师生关系上,新课程强调尊重、赞赏。要求教师不仅要尊重每一位学生,还要学会赞赏每一位学生。材料中当学生在物理方面没有兴趣,经常不及格之时,李老师并没有否定学生而是通过现身说法的形式给学生肯定和鼓励,做到了尊重和信任。 ②在对待教学上,新课程强调帮助、引导。教师的本质在于引导,引导的特点是含而不露,指而不明,开而不达,引而不发;引导的内容不仅包括方法和思维,也包括价值和做人。材料中,李老师引导学生认识到他在计算机方面的成功,并且可以通过同样的学习劲头在其他学科上取得成功。 ③教师在对待自我上,新课程强调反思。新课程强调教学反思,按教学的进程,教学反思分为教学前、教学中、教学后三个阶段。教学反思是教师专业发展和自我成长的重要因素,促使教师形成自我反思的意识和自我监控的能力。材料中李老师通过自己的不断的反思和总结,并撰写教学札记,积累经验。 综上所述,作为新时代的教育者,我们应该像李老师一样,不断地进行教师角色的转化,不断地引导学生、帮助学生,让学生在肯定和鼓励中不断体会到成功学习带来的快乐。

  • [单选题]人民教师职业道德规范的核心是()。
  • A. 热爱学生
    B. 为人师表
    C. 忠于人民的教育事业
    D. 团结互助

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