
下列选项中的概念关系,与“教授”和“科学家”一致的是( )。

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    必典考网发布"下列选项中的概念关系,与“教授”和“科学家”一致的是( )。"考试试题下载及答案,更多教师资格证-初中英语的考试试题下载及答案考试题库请访问必典考网初中教师资格频道。

  • [单选题]下列选项中的概念关系,与“教授”和“科学家”一致的是( )。

  • A. 夹克-衬衫
    B. 中文书-英文书
    C. 大学生-运动员
    D. 足球-篮球

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  • [单选题]22.请阅读Passage 2,完成第1~5小题。   Passage 2   The ritual of English tea time is believed to have originated in the late 1700's when Anna.Duchess of Bedford,ordered that a plate of cakes be sent up to her with her afternoon cup of tea.   The Duchess chronically experienced a “sinking feeling” (what we would term “low bloodsugar” ) in the late afternoon.To tide her over the long hours between meals she turned to carbohydrates.   Other royals immediately copied the Duchess,and afternoon tea parties became quitefashionable.low tables were set up in front of sofas and chairs,and the ladies found a newopportunity to show off pretty clothes,fine China.embroidered linen tablecloths and napkins,andsilver tableware.   tea time was also the time to exchange juicy gossip and serve refreshments.Soon darling littlesandwiches and sweet pastries as well as scones were being arranged on decorative stands and platesfor the ladies' pleasure.   The tea party mania quickly spread across the Atlantic where tea was already enjoyed as abeverage.This fondness for tea was later suppressed by the patriotic Americans during the eraimmediately preceding the American Revolution because of the unreasonable British tax on tea.   However,by April 27,1776,Congress announced in the Philadelphia Packet that “the drinkingof tea can now be indulged.” The custom of afternoon tea parties was not really revived in thiscountry,though,until the mid-1800's,when Victorian ways were in vogue here.leisure-class American ladies began having “kettledrums” at 4p.m.“Kettledrums” was called that in connectionwith the term “teakettle.” Petits fours and other dainty delights were served amid Victorianopulence.   A Victorian diarist,Maud Berkeley (Maud:The Illustrated Diary of a Victorian Woman,Chronicle Books,1987) gave an anecdote concerning tea time:“Mrs.Barnes had out a lovely tea-cloth for her tea-party,worked all over with cyclamens and honeysuckle.Shoggie Boucher,unusedto such dainty,contrived to slop his tea all over it.Thankful it was not I.as it was,my new featherboA.which I wore for the first time,got into my teacup,causing much alarm and merriment to all assembled.lilian Black-Barnes was,as ever,strong in adversity and wrung out the offending objectin the kitchen sink.Fear it may never be the same again,none the less.”   My family,mother,and I were able to relieve some of that sophisticated elegance (minus thedrippy boa) when we had tea at the Ritz in london.The Palm Court,an open area on the groundfioor of the hotel,is a study in turn-of-the-century decor.Gilt statuary,palms,and other plants,andstylishly-set little tables beckon welcomingly under high-up,rose-tinted skylights.   Our waiter brought us a selection of finger sandwiches of smoked salmon,ham,cucumber,Cheddar cheese,cream cheese,and chives,or egg salad.Scones (similar to American biscuits) wereoffered with butter,and various preserves and jellies.   Along with this we were served Indian or China tea.and hot chocolate for my young daughter.Then the dapper waiter presented a vast tray holding many French pastries and cakes from which wecould choose.After several teeny sandwiches and a couple ofmarmalade-coated scones,a chocolateeclair seemed to add carbohydrate overload to carboload,but“when in England,do as the English do.”   This tea feast was served between 3:30 and 5:30p.m.Around 10:00p.m.,we had regained justenough appetite to sample some fish and chips (French fries),and then we put our weary stomachsand ourselves to bed.
  • Why does the author quote Maud Berkeley in the passage?

  • A. To define the nature ofVictorian tea time.
    B. To prove that tea time is fashionable in America.
    C. To exemplify how exquisite an English tea time ritual was.
    D. To contrast the difference between English and American tea time.

  • [单选题]欧洲文艺复兴时期教育的核心思想是( )。
  • A. 人文主义
    B. 自然主义
    C. 科学主义
    D. 进步主义

  • [单选题]梁老师让未完成语文作业的同学放学后打扫班级卫生。蕾蕾在擦玻璃的时候不慎将阳台上的水盆踢洒了,溅出来的水把朱老师的教案和书籍给弄湿了。得知此事的梁老师非常生气,罚蕾蕾将新学的课文抄写10遍。梁老师的做法( )。
  • A. 合理,通过惩罚让蕾蕾改掉毛手毛脚的坏习惯
    B. 合理,通过罚蕾蕾抄写课文可以让她掌握语文知识
    C. 不合理,对学生的体罚应当适当
    D. 不合理,不应对学生实施体罚或变相体罚

  • [单选题]专家和新手在解决问题上的差异,说明决定人的知觉模式的关键因素是专门知识的水平。( )A.正确B.错误
  • A. A

  • [单选题]根据美国教育心理学家加涅的信息加工理论,在学习、思维和解决问题中起关键作用的环节是( )。
  • A. 瞬时记忆
    B. 工作记忆
    C. 长时记忆
    D. 感觉记忆

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