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    动力系统(dynamic system)、效率高(high efficiency)、使用方便(easy to use)

  • [单选题]船舶有效功率是指船舶航行时()的功率。

  • A. 主机所发出
    B. 克服船体阻力消耗
    C. 主机100%标定点
    D. 最大航速时主机发出

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  • [单选题]动力系统是为()服务的管路系统.
  • A. 推进装置
    B. 辅助装置
    C. 甲板机械
    D. A+B

  • [单选题]单轴系具有直接传动、结构简单可靠、()和()的特点。
  • A. A.效率高/使用方便
    B. B.传动损失小/便于操纵
    C. C.消耗功率少/操纵灵活
    D. D.传动准确/便于操纵

  • [单选题]An overspeed safety device is usually fitted to a generator engine for () in the event of overspeed.
  • A. cutting power off the engine
    B. increasing the fuel pump setting
    C. braking the crankshaft
    D. stabilizing the ship speed

  • [单选题]If the feed pump for an auxiliary boiler fails to deliver the feed water to the boiler, the cause maybe ().
  • A. high steam pressure in the boiler
    B. abnormally high feed water temperature
    C. abnormally high boiler water temperature
    D. steam demand exceeding feed pump capacity

  • 本文链接:https://www.51bdks.net/show/0z7y3q.html
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