

来源: 必典考网    发布:2022-05-05     [手机版]    
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1. [单选题]对于活塞杆下端是方形法兰的机型如B&W,如只需解体活塞杆填料函则不需吊出活塞,在曲轴箱内拆掉填料函的()固定螺栓,用专用夹具夹住(),使整个填料函落在夹具的平板上,进行解体。

A. 外圈/活塞杆
B. 内、外圈/活塞杆
C. 外圈/填料函
D. 内、外圈/填料函

2. [单选题]双桨双舵船舶,两舵系中心线的前后定位偏差与相互位置偏差均不得超过()。

A. 0~5mm
B. 5~10mm
C. 10~15mm
D. 15~20mm

3. [单选题]If the engine does start on air, but combustion does not immediately begin, the cause may be ().

A. failure of the fuel pumps
B. starting air pressure too low
C. stop valve in air line closed
D. the turning gear still engaged

4. [单选题]The crankshaft of diesel engine is supported by ().

A. tension stretch
B. tie rods
C. through bolts
D. main bearing

5. [单选题]The engine is reversed by axial displacement of the camshafts In order for this to be carried out, the cams are () with inclined transition faces.

A. lathed
B. shaped
C. shrunk
D. developed

6. [单选题]The main bearing metal is a lining ().

A. inside the bearing
B. outside the bearing
C. covering the crankshaft
D. none of the above

7. [单选题]The main bearings are provided with thin-walled (), lined with a copper-lead alloy.

A. steel guides
B. steel shells
C. steel bearing caps
D. pig iro

8. [单选题]The linear motion of a diesel engine piston is converted to the rotary motion required to drive gears, propeller shafts, and generators by the ().

A. flywheel
B. crankshaft
C. journal bearings
D. camshaft

9. [单选题]Load control on a diesel engine is accomplished by ().

A. regulating the speed of the turbocharger
B. rotating the fuel injector pump plunger
C. regulating the speed of the fuel oil transfer pump
D. changing engine timing

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