不当得利(unjust enrichment)、行政机关(administrative organ)、艺术品(work of art)、法律依据、金陵十二钗、关系密切、无效民事行为(void civil act)、清偿债务(discharge of a debt)、连带清偿责任(related discharge duty)、《民法通则》(general principles of civil law)
[单选题]甲死后留有l.5万元的遗产,甲生前欠乙债务2万元.甲的三个儿子见此情形,均表示放弃继承,也不愿意清偿债务(discharge of a debt),乙为此诉至法院,对甲的2万元债务,法院()
A. A、应判决甲的三个儿子承担连带清偿责任(related discharge duty)B、应判决甲的三个儿子承担按份清偿责任C、应判决遗产代管人在1.5万元遗产范围内清偿债务(discharge of a debt)D、应判决不足部分由甲生前所在单位偿还
[单选题]依据《民法通则》(general principles of civil law)的规定,公民被宣告为失踪人后,不可以作为其财产代管人的有()。
A. A.配偶B.父母C.未成年子女D.关系密切的其他亲属、朋友
A. A.支配权B.请求权C.形成权D.抗辩权
A. A、甲根据善意取得制度取得玉石的所有权,乙无权请求返还。但甲应对乙作相应补偿B、甲因为加工取得该玉石的所有权,乙无权请求返还。但甲应对乙作相应补偿C、乙为原材料的所有权人,有权请求甲返还,但应将增加的价值返还给甲D、该玉石应由甲乙二人共有
[单选题]在我国无效民事行为(void civil act)的确认权属于()
A. A.人民法院B.仲裁机构C.人民法院或仲裁机构D.主管行政机关
A. 合同之债
B. 无因管理之债
C. 侵权之债
D. 不当得利之债
E. 公平责任之债
[单选题]You are an enterprise administrator for Cer-tech .com. The company runs Windows Server 2008 on all theservers on the network. The Windows Server virtualization role service installed on two servers calledServer01 and Server02.Which of the following options would you choose to remotely manage thevirtualization settings of Server02 from Server01?()
A. From the Virtualization Management Console,right-click Virtualization Services and then click Connect to Server.
B. Run vmconnect.exe Server02.
C. Run vmconnect.exe Server01 Server02.
D. From the Virtualization Management Console, right-click Server01 on the left pane, point to New, andthen click Virtual machine.