
课间休息时,教师张某在教室吸烟。张某的行为( )。

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    思想品德(ideology and morality)、思想认识(ideological cognition)、潜移默化(imperceptibly influence)、情景交融、课间休息(intermission)、适龄儿童(children of school age)、第三十七条、接受教育(receive education)、明辨是非、《中华人民共和国教师法》

  • [单选题]课间休息时,教师张某在教室吸烟。张某的行为( )。

  • A. 正确,吸烟是公民的自由权利
    B. 正确,课间休息时教师可以吸烟
    C. 不正确,违反了《中华人民共和国教师法》
    D. 不正确,违反了《中华人民共和国未成年人保护法》

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  • 学习资料:
  • [单选题]关于义务教育的理解,不正确的是( )。
  • A. 适龄儿童、青少年有接受教育(receive education)的义务
    B. 义务教育是自愿接受的教育
    C. 国家、社会有义务保证儿童接受教育(receive education)
    D. 义务教育是带有强制性的教育

  • [单选题]在学生考试失败以后,容易使学生对未来失去信心的归因方式是( )归因。
  • A. 运气
    B. 能力
    C. 努力
    D. 任务难度

  • [单选题]我国古代教育家颜之推指出:"人在少年,神情未定,所以美狎,熏渍陶染,言笑举动,无心于学,潜移暗化,自然似心……与善人居,如入芝兰之室,久而自芳也;与恶人居,如入鲍鱼之肆,久而自臭也。"从德育方法来讲,这里强调的是一种( )。
  • A. 说服教育法
    B. 情感陶冶法
    C. 榜样示范法
    D. 实际锻炼法

  • [单选题] Like most people, I've long understood that I will be judged by my occupation, that my profession is a gauge people use to see how smart or talented I am. Recently, however, I was disappointed to see that it also decides how I'm treated as a person. Last year I left a professional position as a small-town reporter and took a job waiting tables. As someone paid to serve food to people, I had customers say and do things to me I suspect they'd never say or do to their most casual acquaintances. One night a man talking on his cell phone waved me away, then beckoned me back with his finger a minute later, complaining he was ready to order and asking where I'd been. I had waited tables during summers in college and was treated like a peon by plenty of people. But at 19 years old, I believed I deserved inferior treatment from professional adults. Besides, people responded to me differently after I told them I was in college. Customers would joke that one day I'd be sitting at their table, waiting to be served. Once I graduated I took a job at a community newspaper. From my first day, I heard a respectful tone from everyone who called me. I assumed this was the way the professional world worked-cordially. I soon found out differently, I sat several feet away from an advertising sales representative with a similar name. Our calls would often get mixed up and someone asking for Kristen would be transferred to Christie. The mistake was immediately evident. Perhaps it was because money was involved, but people used a tone with Kristen that they never used with me. My job title made people treat me with courtesy. So it was a shock to return to the restaurant industry. It's no secret that there's a lot to put up with when waiting tables, and fortunately, much of it can be easily forgotten when you pocket the tips. The service industry, by definition, exists to cater to others' needs. Still, it seemed that many of my customers didn't get the difference between server and servant. I'm now applying to graduate school, which means someday I'll. return to a profession where people need to be nice to me in order to get what they want. I think I'll take them to dinner first, and see how they treat someone whose only job is to serve them.
  • The author was disappointed to find that ________.

  • A. one's position is used as a gauge to measure one's intelligence
    B. talented people like her fail to get a respectable job
    C. one's occupation affects the way one is treated as a person
    D. professionals tend to look down upon manual workers

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