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    导热性(thermal conductivity)、螺旋桨桨叶(propeller blades)

  • [单选题]螺旋桨桨叶面上的A区是指()以内的区域。

  • A. A.0.4R
    B. B.0.5R
    C. C.0.6R
    D. D.0.7R

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  • 学习资料:
  • [单选题]赛龙艉轴承材料具有弹性好、()和不会剥落的特点,但导热性差和不耐高温。
  • A. 强度高、硬度高
    B. 强度高、韧性好
    C. 硬度高、耐磨
    D. 耐磨、耐蚀

  • [单选题]In an engine with a pot-shaped piston, some lubricating oil from the main bearing will pass along a drilled passage in the crankshaft to the bottom end bearing and then up a connection rod to the ().
  • A. crosshead
    B. crankpin
    C. crank journal
    D. gudgeon pi

  • [单选题]When a crankshaft has to be handled outside the engine, it should be carefully supported in a manner which will avoid () high bending moments on it.
  • A. compressing
    B. interposing
    C. imposing
    D. pounding

  • [单选题]Whilst the engine is turning, check to see that no water is leaking into the crankcase, scavenge air belt, or from ().
  • A. exhaust valves
    B. starting valves
    C. fuel valves
    D. the indicator cock

  • 本文链接:https://www.51bdks.net/show/0qz8jn.html
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