
() at the end of the distribution pipe ensures that adequa

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  • [单选题]() at the end of the distribution pipe ensures that adequate pressure is maintained by the pump.

  • A. A relief valve
    B. An alarm
    C. A pressure gauge
    D. A non-maim valve

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  • 学习资料:
  • [单选题]在检查和调整主机回油阀调节式喷油泵的供油量均匀性时,对始终点调节式喷油泵,可通过转动进回油阀阀杆下的调节螺钉改变顶杆长度,从而调节柱塞的有效行程。当进油阀的顶杆伸长时,柱塞的有效行程(),回油阀的顶杆伸长时,柱塞的有效行程()。
  • A. 变大/变小
    B. 变大/变大
    C. 变小/变大
    D. 变小/变小

  • [单选题]艉轴裂纹主要发生在()等处。Ⅰ.法兰根部;Ⅱ.工作轴颈;Ⅲ.铜套接缝处轴颈;Ⅳ.键槽根部;Ⅴ.锥部大端截面变化。
  • A. Ⅱ+Ⅲ
    B. Ⅰ+Ⅱ+Ⅳ
    C. Ⅲ+Ⅳ+Ⅴ
    D. Ⅰ+Ⅲ+Ⅳ

  • [单选题]Fuel oil is pumped by means of () from the bunker tanks.
  • A. a transfer pump
    B. a bilge pump
    C. a service pump
    D. a vacuum pum

  • [单选题]What preventative maintenance should be done frequently to diesel engine starting air receivers?()
  • A. Drain the accumulated moisture
    B. Test the relief valves
    C. Watch the temperature to prevent fluctuations in pressure
    D. Clean the interior to remove oil and foreign matter

  • 本文链接:https://www.51bdks.net/show/0q8voq.html
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