为人师表、元认知策略(meta-cognitive strategies)、寄宿制学校(boarding school)、《国家中长期教育改革和发展规划纲要(2010-2020)》、参考性问题(referential question)、利用职务之便(the using official post convenience)、法定监护人、《中小学教师职业道德规范》、辅导资料、文章主题
[单选题]依据《中华人民共和国预防未成年人犯罪法》,下列选项中,学校应当及时与其父母或法定监护人取得联系的学生行为是( )。
A. 上课聊天
B. 多日旷课
C. 不交作业
D. 谈情说爱
A. 教师节接受学生自绘贺卡
B. 出于爱心对学生严厉责骂
C. 规定学生买大量辅导资料
D. 家有喜事时接受家长贺礼
[单选题]《国家中长期教育改革和发展规划纲要(2010-2020)》规定中小学应大力开展"阳光体育"运动,保证学生每天的锻炼时间是( )。
A. 3小时
B. 2小时
C. 1小时
D. 0.5小时
[单选题]( )是整合所学新知识之间、新旧知识之间的内在联系,形成新的知识结构。
A. 调节策略
B. 元认知策略
C. 精细加工策略
D. 组织策略
[单选题] Man still has a lot to learn about the most powerful and complex part of his body-the brain.
In ancient times men did not think that the brain was the center of mental activity. Aristotle, the philosopher of ancient Greece, thought that the mind was based in the heart. It was not until the 18th century that man realized that the whole of the brain was involved in the workings of the mind.
During the 19th century scientists found that when certain parts of the brain were damaged, men lost the ability to do certain things. And so, people thought that each part of the brain controlled a different activity. But modern research has found that this is not so. It is not easy to say exactly what each part of the brain does.
In the past 50 years there has been a great increase in the amount of research being done on the brain. Chemists and biologists have found that the way the brain works is far more complicated than they had thought. In fact many people believe that we are only now really starting to learn the truth about how the human brain works. The more scientists find out, the more questions they are unable to answer. For instance, chemists have found that over 100,000 chemical reactions take place in the brain every second. Mathematicians who have tried to use computers to copy the way the brain works have found that even using the latest electronic equipment they would have to build a computer which weighed over 10,000 kilos. Some recent research also suggests that we remember everything that happens to us. We may not be able to recall this information, but it is all stored in our brains.
Scientists hope that if we can discover how the brain works, the better use we will be able to put it to For example, how do we learn language? Some children learn to speak, read and write when they are very young compared to average children But scientists are not sure why this happens They are trying to find out whether there is something about the way we teach language to children which in fact prevents children from learning sooner.
The sentence "that man realized that the whole of the brain was involved in the workings of the mind" implicates all the statements below EXCEPT ________.
A. the brain, instead of the heart, is in charge of our thinking
B. the whole brain takes part in our mind activity
C. the brain is all we need when our mind is working
D. every part of the brain is used when we are thinking
[单选题]Which of the following is a referential question?
A. Where was Yang Liwei born?
B. Who is the first Chinese astronaut?
C. Why do you think Yang Liwei is a great astronaut?
D. When did Yang Liwei begin his historic space travel?