交感神经(sympathetic nerve)、神经纤维(nerve fibers)、错别字(wrongly written characters)、励精图治(ambitious ideals)、颈动脉窦压力感受器(carotid sinus baroreceptor)、胆碱能纤维(cholinergic fibers)、词不达意、始作俑者(starters)
[单选题]The boy showed complete_________of his parents,advice.
A. disregard
B. ignorance
C. neglect
D. avoidance
[单选题]On SundaysI prefer _______ at home to _______ out.
A. to stay…go
B. stay…going
C. staying…going
D. staying…go
[单选题]“What’S the matter with you,my dear?”“I feel my hean________fast.”
A. jump
B. jumping
C. beat
D. beating
[单选题]下列各组词语,只有一个错别字的一组是 ( )
A. 详实 词不达意 冷寞 一筹莫展
B. 痉孪 不经之谈 偏辟 励精图治
C. 风靡 蘖根祸种 攀缘 始作俑者(starters)
D. 倾轧 气冲宵汉 弘扬 扑溯迷离
[多选题]颈动脉窦压力感受器敏感的人,适当压迫后可以出现( )
A. 心交感神经传出冲动减少
B. 血压下降
C. 心率减慢
D. 心迷走中枢紧张性增加
E. 窦神经的传入冲动增加
[单选题]直接支配小汗腺活动的神经纤维是( )
A. 肾上腺素能纤维
B. 胆碱能纤维(cholinergic fibers)
C. 肽能纤维
D. 副交感神经节后纤维
E. 交感神经节前纤维