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    文化知识(cultural knowledge)、厄尔尼诺、主要任务(major task)、人类文明(human civilization)、师范学校(normal school)、代表人物(representative)、《教师法》(law of teacher)、强迫观念(obsession)、官能心理学、教师资格考试制度

  • [单选题]《教师法》(law of teacher)指出国家实行教师资格制度,但不同资格的取得须有一定的学历要求,以下说法正确的是( )。

  • A. 若想取得幼儿园教师资格,必须拥有中等师范学校毕业学历
    B. 若想取得小学教师资格,具备师范院校大专毕业的学历证明不可以
    C. 不具备本法规定的教师资格学历的公民,申请获取教师资格,必须通过国家教师资格考试。国家教师资格考试制度由国务院规定。
    D. 取得高等学校教师资格,大学本科毕业学历不可以

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  • [单选题]只有小王陪伴,小黄才到公园散步。如果小王不去图书馆,那么小李也不去图书馆。由此可以推出以下哪项结论( )。
  • A. 小李在图书馆内,则小黄没有去公园散步
    B. 小王在图书馆内,则小李也在图书馆内
    C. 小李不在图书馆内,则小黄在公园里散步
    D. 小王在公园内散步,则小黄也在公园内散步

  • [单选题]在近代教育史上,对于掌握知识和发展能力究竟以谁为主问题上存在争论,一种理论是形式教育论,另一种理论是( )。
  • A. 学科课程论
    B. 活动课程论
    C. 实质教育论
    D. 现代课程论

  • [单选题]小红最近有个毛病,写作业时总是觉得不整洁,擦了写,写了又擦,反反复复,她明知这样做没有必要,就是控制不住,她可能出现了( )。
  • A. 抑郁症
    B. 强迫症
    C. 焦虑症
    D. 恐怖症

  • [单选题]假如一个教师把大量的时间用于与学生搞好个人关系上,那么他处于教师成长的( )。
  • A. 关注情景阶段
    B. 关注学生阶段
    C. 关注生存阶段
    D. 关注发展阶段

  • [单选题] A decade ago, the idea that the planet was warming up as a result of human activity was largely theoretical. We knew that since the Industrial Revolution began in the 18th century, factories and power plants and automobiles and farms have been loading the atmosphere with heat-trapping gases, including carbon dioxide and methane (甲烷). But evidence that the climate was actually getting hotter was still murky. Not anymore. As an.authoritative report issued a few weeks ago by the United Nations-sponsored Intergovemmental Panel on Climate Change makes plain, the trend toward a warmer world has unquestionably begun. Worldwide temperatures have climbed more than 0.5℃ over the past century, and the 1990s were the hottest decade on record. After analyzing data going back at least two decades on everything from air and ocean temperatures to the spread and retreat of wildlife, the IPCC asserts that this slow but steady warming has had an impact on no fewer than 420 physical processes and animals and plant species in all countries. Glaciers, including the legendary snows of Kilimanjaro, are disappearing from mountaintops around the globe. Coral reefs are dying off as the seas get too warm for comfort. Drought is the norm in parts of Asian and Africa. El Nino (厄尔尼诺) events, which trigger devastating weather in the eastern Pacific, are more frequent. The Arctic permafrost (永久冻土带) is starting to melt. Lakes and rivers in colder climates are freezing later and thawing earlier each year. Plants and animals are shifting their ranges pole-ward and to higher altitudes, and migration patterns for animals as diverse as polar bears, butterflies and beluga whales are being disrupted.
  • What has happened in parts of Asian and Africa?

  • A. The abnormal weather makes animals move to other areas.
    B. The surface of the sea has risen over the past century.
    C. The summer comes earlier, and the hot weather lasts longer.
    D. The land is getting drier, and that makes crops easy to grow.

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