1. [多选题]坚持和完善社会主义初级阶段基本经济制度,必须毫不动摇巩固和发展公有制经济,必须毫不动摇鼓励、支持、引导非公有制经济发展(non-public economic development)。这是因为,公有制经济和非公有制经济都是我国
A. 经济社会发展的重要基础
B. 社会主义市场经济的重要组成部分
C. 社会主义经济的重要组成部分
D. 社会主义经济制度的基础(foundation of the socialist economic sy)
2. [多选题]2013年9月29日,中国(上海)自由贸易试验区正式启动运作,36家中外企业和金融机构颁布证照,首批入驻试验区,建设该试验区的主要任务是
A. 促进转变经济增长方式和优化经济结构
B. 推动加快转变政府职能和行政体制改革
C. 为全面深化改革(deepen reform all round)和扩大开放探索新途径、积累新经验
D. 推动构建更加公平合理的市场经济体制
3. [多选题]抗日民主政府在工作人员分配上实行“三三制”原则。即共产党员、非党的左派进步分子和不左不右的中间派各占1/3。这是抗日民主政府在政权建设方面的一个重要内容-对“三三制”政权性质的表述,正确的有
A. 是以无产阶级为首的中国各革命阶级联合专政的政权
B. 是共产党领导的抗日民族统一战线性质的政权
C. 是一切赞成抗日又赞成民主的人们的政权
D. 是几个革命阶级联合起来对于汉奸和反动派的民主专政
4. [单选题]The White House claims that its power of enforcement
根据以下资料,回答下面的题目。On a five to three vote, the Supreme Court knocked out much of Arizona’s immigration law Monday-a modest policy victory for the Obama Administration.But on the more important matter of the Constitution,the decision was an 8-0 defeat for the Administration’s effort to upset the balance of power between the federal government and the states.In Arizona v.United States, the majority overturned three of the four contested provisions of Arizona’s controversial plan to have state and local police enforce federal immigration law.The Constitutional principles that Washington alone has the power to “establish a uniform Rule of Naturalization ”and that federal laws precede state laws are noncontroversial .Arizona had attempted to fashion state policies that ran parallel to the existing federal ones.Justice Anthony Kennedy, joined by Chief Justice John Roberts and the Court’s liberals, ruled that the state flew too close to the federal sun.On the overturned provisions the majority held the congress had deliberately “occupied the field” and Arizona had thus intruded on the federal’s privileged powers.However,the Justices said that Arizona police would be allowed to verify the legal status of people who come in contact with law enforcement.That’s because Congress has always envisioned joint federal-state immigration enforcement and explicitly encourages state officers to share information and cooperate with federal colleagues.Two of the three objecting Justice-Samuel Alito and Clarence Thomas-agreed with this Constitutional logic but disagreed about which Arizona rules conflicted with the federal statute.The only major objection came from Justice Antonin Scalia,who offered an even more robust defense of state privileges going back to the alien and Sedition Acts.The 8-0 objection to President Obama turns on what Justice Samuel Alito describes in his objection as “a shocking assertion assertion of federal executive power”.The White House argued that Arizona’s laws conflicted with its enforcement priorities,even if state laws complied with federal statutes to the letter.In effect, the White House claimed that it could invalidate any otherwise legitimate state law that it disagrees with . Some powers do belong exclusively to the federal government, and control of citizenship and the borders is among them.But if Congress wanted to prevent states from using their own resources to check immigration status, it could.It never did so.The administration was in essence asserting that because it didn’t want to carry out Congress’s immigration wishes, no state should be allowed to do so either. Every Justice rightly rejected this remarkable claim. Three provisions of Arizona’s plan were overturned because they
A. outweighs that held by the states.
B. is dependent on the states’ support.
C. is established by federal statutes.
D. rarely goes against state laws.
5. [单选题]请在第____处填上正确选项。
根据以下资料,回答下面的题目。The social sciences are flourishing.As of 2005,there were almost half a million professional social scientists from all fields in the world, working both inside and outside academia. According to the World Social Science Report 2010,the number of social-science students worldwide has swollen by about 11% every year since 2000.Yet this enormous resource in not contributing enough to today’s global challenges including climate change, security,sustainable development and health.(41)______Humanity has the necessary agro-technological tools to eradicate hunger , from genetically engineered crops to arificial fertilizers . Here , too, the problems are social: the organization and distribution of food, wealth and prosperity.(42)____This is a shame—the community should be grasping the opportunity to raise its influence in the real world. To paraphrase the great social scientist Joseph Schumpeter:there is no radical innovation without creative destruction .Today ,the social sciences are largely focused on disciplinary problems and internal scholarly debates,rather than on topics with external impact.Analyses reveal that the number of papers including the keywords “environmental changed” or “climate change” have increased rapidly since 2004,(43)____ When social scientists do tackle practical issues ,their scope is often local:Belgium is interested mainly in the effects of poverty on Belgium for example .And whether the community’s work contributes much to an overall accumulation of knowledge is doubtful. The problem is not necessarily the amount of available funding (44)____this is an adequate amount so long as it is aimed in the right direction. Social scientists who complain about a lack of funding should not expect more in today’s economic climate.The trick is to direct these funds better.The European Union Framework funding programs have long had a category specifically targeted at social scientists.This year,it was proposed that system be changed:Horizon 2020,a new program to be enacted in 2014,would not have such a category ,This has resulted in protests from social scientists.But the intention is not to neglect social science ; rather ,the complete opposite.(45)____That should createmore collaborative endeavors and help to develop projects aimed directly at solving global problems. 请在第____处填上正确选项。[A] It could be that we are evolving two communities of social scientists:one that is discipline-oriented and publishing in highly specialized journals,and one that is problem-oriented and publishing elsewhere,such as policy briefs.[B] However,the numbers are still small:in 2010,about 1,600 of the100,000 social-sciences papers published globally included one of theseKeywords.[C] the idea is to force social to integrate their work with other categories, including health and demographic change food security, marine research and the bio
A. F