呼吸衰竭(respiratory failure)、临床表现(clinical manifestation)、肺动脉(pulmonary artery)、室间隔缺损(ventricular septal defect)、脑缺氧、呼吸困难(dyspnea)、脑血管(cerebrovascular)、基础上(basis)、右心室肥厚(right ventricular hypertrophy)、10%福尔马林
A. 5%醋酸
B. 10%福尔马林(实际上是4%的甲醛)
C. 纯丙酮
D. 80%乙醇
E. 1%锇酸
A. 船员或物料不足
B. 船体、机器或设备的故障或损坏
C. 海损事故引起的延误
D. 承租人未指定卸货港以致船舶等待
A. 癫痫
B. 重度贫血
C. 缺氧发作
D. 呼吸衰竭
E. 心力衰竭
[单选题]Which of the following statements is true concerning an oil cooler?()
A. The oil temperature is less than the cooling water temperature
B. The oil pressure is less than the cooling water pressure
C. The oil pressure is greater than the cooling water pressure
D. The oil flow control valve is always installed in the oil input line