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  • [单选题]下列选项中,不属于15世纪到17世纪地理大发现时期的航海家是( )。

  • A. 哥伦布
    B. 迪亚士
    C. 阿蒙森
    D. 麦哲伦

  • 查看答案&解析 查看所有试题
  • 学习资料:
  • [单选题]Which of the following is NOT the purpose of the pre-reading stage?
  • A. To prepare the students for the content of the text.
    B. To help students understand the content and structure of the text.
    C. To arouse the students' interest in the topic or type of text.
    D. To motivate students to read the text by providing a purpose for reading.

  • [多选题]简要说明“多样化(variety)原则”在教学设计和课堂教学中的体现(10分),并简述实施多样化教学需要考虑的因素(10分)。
  • A. (1)多样化原则是指语言输入材料、输入方式、教学安排及练习形式的多样化。具体体现有:课堂活动不能过于单一,要有多样性;组织形式要多样化,既有个体活动,又有小组活动;感官刺激要多样化,既有视觉、听觉活动,又有触觉、动觉活动;产出要多样化,既有语言产出,又有非语言的产出。(2)实施多样化教学需考虑的因素:①以学生为主体;②活动具有可操作性;③选材新颖且符合学生兴趣;④以培养学生用英语分析问题、解决问题的能力为目的。

  • [单选题]指出下列推理中正确的一项是:( )
  • A. 有些人既喜欢吃牛肉,也喜欢吃鱼片,王佳喜欢吃牛肉,所以她也喜欢吃鱼片
    B. 大量抽烟会导致肺癌,朱某不抽烟,所以朱某不会得肺癌
    C. 中国是发展中国家,中国是社会主义国家,所以,有的社会主义国家同时也是发展中国家
    D. 艺术没有阶级性,艺术是一种社会现象,所以,社会现象都是没有阶级性的

  • [单选题]下列音乐家中,创作了钢琴曲《致爱丽丝》的是( )。
  • A. 肖邦
    B. 贝多芬
    C. 舒伯特
    D. 李斯特

  • [单选题]营业性歌厅、酒吧、网吧、未成年人不适宜进入的场所,应当设置明显的( )标志,不得允许未成年人进入。
  • A. 小学生禁止进入
    B. 未成年人禁止进入
    C. 衣冠不整者禁止进入
    D. 未满16岁不得入内

  • [单选题] A decade ago, the idea that the planet was warming up as a result of human activity was largely theoretical. We knew that since the Industrial Revolution began in the 18th century, factories and power plants and automobiles and farms have been loading the atmosphere with heat-trapping gases, including carbon dioxide and methane (甲烷). But evidence that the climate was actually getting hotter was still murky. Not anymore. As an.authoritative report issued a few weeks ago by the United Nations-sponsored Intergovemmental Panel on Climate Change makes plain, the trend toward a warmer world has unquestionably begun. Worldwide temperatures have climbed more than 0.5℃ over the past century, and the 1990s were the hottest decade on record. After analyzing data going back at least two decades on everything from air and ocean temperatures to the spread and retreat of wildlife, the IPCC asserts that this slow but steady warming has had an impact on no fewer than 420 physical processes and animals and plant species in all countries. Glaciers, including the legendary snows of Kilimanjaro, are disappearing from mountaintops around the globe. Coral reefs are dying off as the seas get too warm for comfort. Drought is the norm in parts of Asian and Africa. El Nino (厄尔尼诺) events, which trigger devastating weather in the eastern Pacific, are more frequent. The Arctic permafrost (永久冻土带) is starting to melt. Lakes and rivers in colder climates are freezing later and thawing earlier each year. Plants and animals are shifting their ranges pole-ward and to higher altitudes, and migration patterns for animals as diverse as polar bears, butterflies and beluga whales are being disrupted.
  • Temperatures all over the world ________.

  • A. rose 5℃ in the 1990s
    B. were the highest in 1990s
    C. are recorded on file to researcb global warming
    D. either increase or decrease depending on the location

  • [单选题]影响态度与品德学习的外部条件不包括( )。
  • A. 家庭教养方式
    B. 道德认知
    C. 社会风气
    D. 同伴群体

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