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    大功率(high power)、气缸套(cylinder liner)、圆柱形(cylindrical)、船舶动力装置(marine power plant)

  • [单选题]在偶然故障期内,故障是否发生,是()。

  • A. 可以预测
    B. 可以防止
    C. 可理论计算
    D. 无法预测

  • 查看答案&解析 查看所有试题
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  • [单选题]MAN-B&W公司推出的标准废气锅炉系统,主要特点是废气锅炉为单压蒸汽系统;产生饱和蒸汽供加热之需;废气锅炉与燃油辅助锅炉之间有循环水泵并共用一个汽鼓,对其评价可选为()。
  • A. 具有明显的简单性和低投资成本,又完全满足船舶加热所需蒸汽量的要求
    B. 具有明显的简单性和低投资成本,但不能满足船舶加热所需蒸汽量的要求,而需要燃油辅助锅炉补充蒸汽
    C. 该废气锅炉系统对排气余热的利用程度已十分充分
    D. 该废气锅炉系统适宜于大功率的船舶动力装置(marine power plant)

  • [单选题]气缸套的内径增量ΔD=()(D为名义直径)。
  • A. Dmax-D
    B. Dmax-Dmin
    C. D-Dmax
    D. D-Dmin

  • [单选题]大、中型船舶的轴系各中间轴法兰采用圆柱形螺栓连接时,其中紧配螺栓数应不少于螺栓总数的()。
  • A. 20%
    B. 30%
    C. 40%
    D. 50%

  • [单选题]() supplies pilot air to control the cylinder air start valves.
  • A. An air compressor
    B. An indicator cock
    C. An air distributor
    D. A safety valve

  • [单选题]In a naturally aspirated diesel engine, the volume of air intake is directly related to engine ().
  • A. compression ratio
    B. valve size
    C. fuel pressure
    D. cylinder clearance volume

  • [单选题]Temperature control valves installed in the jacket cooling water system of a diesel engine modulates the rate of water flow through the ().
  • A. cooling water pump
    B. nozzle cooling passages
    C. cylinder jackets
    D. heat exchanger

  • [单选题]The amount of fuel injected in a particular time, or degree, of crankshaft rotation is termed ().
  • A. metering
    B. timing
    C. rate of injection
    D. rate of distributio

  • [单选题]The possibility of damage from operating a diesel engine at critical speeds is reduced by the use of().
  • A. an isochronous governor
    B. elastic engine mounts
    C. a vibration damper
    D. a cast iron bed plate with good flexible qualitie

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