  • Measure () by means of lead wire.

    Measure () by means of lead wire.气缸盖底面在较高的()等的恶劣条件下工作。Ⅰ.交变的机械负荷;Ⅱ.热负荷;Ⅲ.燃气腐蚀阀、孔;Ⅳ.冲刷;Ⅴ.冲击。当曲柄的Δ=(+)值时,该曲柄的两个主轴承位置较(),曲轴轴线呈
  • Marine four-stroke diesel engines are mainly ().

    Marine four-stroke diesel engines are mainly ().At least () cylinders in four-stroke engine will be configured to ensure that the engine can be started with the crankshaft at whatever position.Pas
  • Main bearings are required to support the crankshaft at each

    Main bearings are required to support the crankshaft at each ().中间轴承挡油片对油环有()作用。Ⅰ.径向止动;Ⅱ.轴向定位Factor influencing the position of the interface between the liquid seal and the
  • Leaky exhaust valve will result in which of the following?(

    Leaky exhaust valve will result in which of the following?()(1) high exhaust temperature;(2) low compression pressure;(3) low firing pressure.可靠性定义中所述及的“规定的条件”,包括()。Ⅰ.环境温度、
  • It is well known that good lubrication will () the bearing

    It is well known that good lubrication will () the bearings from becoming overheated.If () are taken at regular intervals, any unequal distribution of load will be easily found out.The indicated p
  • Keep compartment () as the gas given off can be dangerous.

    Keep compartment () as the gas given off can be dangerous.底脚螺栓与机座和底座的连接方式是()连接。船舶舵系是实现船舶()等操纵的航向控制装置。Ⅰ.转向;Ⅱ.前进;Ⅲ.后退;Ⅳ.掉头;Ⅴ.直航。滑油系统的备车
  • It is very necessary that each cylinder () before the char

    It is very necessary that each cylinder () before the charged air is compressed.对于活塞杆下端是方形法兰的机型如B&W,如只需解体活塞杆填料函则不需吊出活塞,在曲轴箱内拆掉填料函的()固定螺栓,用专用
  • Low compression results from ().

    Low compression results from ().对于可靠性和可靠度的表述,不能采用的是()。柴油机某缸连杆已装的状态下,盘车一周可测得曲轴()个臂距值。Each cylinder has one starting valve which is usually opened by
  • Lubricating oil for an engine is stored at the bottom of the

    Lubricating oil for an engine is stored at the bottom of the (), known as the sump or in a drain tank located beneath the engine.发动机连续起动次数越多其机动性越好,对每台可换向的主机在冷机条件下应不
  • It is necessary to remove () from the cooling spaces.

    It is necessary to remove () from the cooling spaces.并联表决系统中,备用部件数与工作部件数之比称为(),比值越(),系统可靠性越()。船舶动力装置的主要耗能设备是()。Ⅰ.螺旋桨;Ⅱ.主机、发电机和辅助锅
  • It is very important that each cylinder should be () scave

    It is very important that each cylinder should be () scavenged before the charged air is compressed.四冲程柴油机在吊缸检修完毕后,试车前必须对各缸的进、排气间隙进行检查和调整。只有当某缸的()凸轮在
  • It is necessary for us () after having served for a certai

    It is necessary for us () after having served for a certain period.发动机实际工作状态好坏的标准可用()衡量。Ⅰ.主机的推进特性曲线;Ⅱ.主机的负荷特性曲线;Ⅲ.发电柴油机的负荷特性曲线在检查和调整主机回
  • Low compression of diesel engine may result from ()

    Low compression of diesel engine may result from ()若产品在规定的条件下,规定的时间为r,从开始工作到发生故障的连续工作时间为T,则产品的可靠度为()。MANB&W型柴油机活塞杆填料函工作环的平面间隙和环端
  • It is important to use only pure lead and to choose a thickn

    It is important to use only pure lead and to choose a thickness of wire which is greater than the normal allowable clearance but () this amount.衡量气缸套内圆表面磨损的指标有()。Ⅰ.椭圆度误差;Ⅱ.圆
  • It is very necessary that each cylinder () before the char

    It is very necessary that each cylinder () before the charged air is compressed.当液压拉伸器的用油变质时,应采用()清洗液压拉伸器的油腔。水润滑式艉轴工作轴颈包覆(),非工作轴颈包覆()。带有普通键槽
  • It is important that the water () very often as this can l

    It is important that the water () very often as this can lead to increased deposits.船上吊缸检修中一般不需进行()。若已知曲柄的轴线状态呈塌腰形,则其两主轴承高度必然()于相邻轴承,测得的臂距差为()
  • Large marine diesel engines of crosshead construction genera

    Large marine diesel engines of crosshead construction generally have two systems of lubrication: a total loss system feeding the () and a recirculation system lubricating the running gear and coolin
  • In the four-stroke engine, it takes () to make one power s

    In the four-stroke engine, it takes () to make one power stroke.并联连接系统的不可靠度()系统中任一并联部件的不可靠度。假设某一中央冷却系统中设有三台循环水泵,若在热带水域必须同时运行才能满足要求,从
  • In the sentence “In some designs the cylinder oil is timed s

    In the sentence “In some designs the cylinder oil is timed so that the oil injects only on the piston ring belt, the "piston ring belt" means ().由n个独立部件组成一个并联连接系统,其中一个部件正常工
  • Increased air () will raise scavenge efficiency and allow

    Increased air () will raise scavenge efficiency and allow a greater mass of air to be compressed; more fuel may now be burned giving an increased power.关于废气锅炉烟垢着火温度()。Ⅰ.烟垢潜在着火
  • It is abnormal that when the engine is being turned by the t

    It is abnormal that when the engine is being turned by the turning gear or by hand, ().()对发动机加速性影响更为突出,因此()为优。若已知曲轴的轴线状态呈拱腰形,则其两主轴承高度必然()于相邻轴承,测
  • In order to increase the wearing resistance, the cylinder li

    In order to increase the wearing resistance, the cylinder liner surfaces are sometimes ().Main bearings are required to support the crankshaft at each ().The two-stroke cycle begins with the pisto
  • In the suction stroke air is induced into the cylinder ()I

    In the suction stroke air is induced into the cylinder ()In the compression stroke the air is compressed.机舱饱和度是表征机舱利用率的指标,由()来表示。低速柴油机排放污染物中,影响废气锅炉烟垢着火的
  • Increasing differential pressure of an oil filter indicates

    Increasing differential pressure of an oil filter indicates that ()废气锅炉烟道温度在1100℃以上时可能发生()。In a general oil cooler circulated by sea water, the oil is at a higher pressure, the re
  • In the () pressure charging system the pulse of energy tha

    In the () pressure charging system the pulse of energy that occur as the exhaust is released from the cylinder to improve the output of the turbocharger.柴油机吊缸时,不正确的做法是()。为了防止涡轮
  • Increasing the temperature of a fuel will reduce its ().

    Increasing the temperature of a fuel will reduce its ().在检修连杆大端轴承时,必须换新的是()。一般来说,轴系中心线的同轴度偏差是由于()造成的。平板形舵具有()的特点。Ⅰ.结构复杂;Ⅱ.便于修造;Ⅲ.舵效
  • In some designs the cylinder oil is timed so that the oil in

    In some designs the cylinder oil is timed so that the oil injects only on the ().平均寿命E(t)是个箅术平均值,在概率中称()。Ⅰ.数学期望值;Ⅱ.均值备车时间的长短,各类船舶有所不同,一般在()h。On the
  • In the event of the cylinder starting valve leakage () wou

    In the event of the cylinder starting valve leakage () would pass into the air pipes and ignite the oil deposited.十字头式柴油机应进行活塞运动部件与固定件()校中。目前钢质海船建造时安装的轴系广泛采
  • In a four-stroke engine the camshaft rotates at ().

    In a four-stroke engine the camshaft rotates at ().影响发动机加速时问长短的因素是它的()。I.运行部件的质量惯性;Ⅱ.受热部件的热惯性在船上,拆下来的增压器转子应该用()浸泡清洗。A charge of fresh air
  • In each cylinder cover is a large central opening for mounti

    In each cylinder cover is a large central opening for mounting ()字头销外圆表面的过度磨损常采用()工艺修复。轴系校中计算中的热态是指()。The hand steering is a method by which the motion of the ru
  • In addition to lubricating, cylinder oil assists in forming

    In addition to lubricating, cylinder oil assists in forming a gas seal and contains () which clean the cylinder liner.对商船动力装置的基本要求是()。柴油机吊缸时,不正确的做法是()。An aluminum pis
  • In an engine with air inlet valve and exhaust valve on its c

    In an engine with air inlet valve and exhaust valve on its cylinder heads the fresh air will enter into the cylinder () and the gases exhaust (), there being an adequate overlap between the inlet
  • In large marine diesel engines cylinder oils usually contain

    In large marine diesel engines cylinder oils usually contain additives formulated to impart the () to clean the rings and grooves.近来超巴拿马型和巨大型集装箱船的发展带动了()动力装置的发展。The be
  • In a typical fuel system, the oil is stored in () in the d

    In a typical fuel system, the oil is stored in () in the double bottom.不允许柴油机排气恶化,防止锅炉烟垢沉积,其措施是()。今测得某船主机曲轴臂距值,求在垂直平面上的臂距差Δ⊥=()。航行时,水润滑艉轴
  • In an ordinary diesel engine the fuel injection begins ()

    In an ordinary diesel engine the fuel injection begins ()检修活塞组件时,对表面的积炭应采用()予以清除。船用增压器轴承多采用滚动轴承,因其具有拆装方便,起动性能好、效率高、摩擦系数小等优点,但其缺点是
  • In a purifier, the interface between the liquid seal and the

    In a purifier, the interface between the liquid seal and the oil should be positioned as close as possible to ().底脚螺栓的作用是将()牢牢地固定在一起。Ⅰ.柴油机机座;Ⅱ.船体双层底底座;Ⅲ.固定垫块;Ⅳ
  • In a purifier changing to a gravity disc with larger hole di

    In a purifier changing to a gravity disc with larger hole diameter will move the interface towards the ().轴承在涡轮增压器中居重要地位,它应保证()。Ⅰ.转子的平衡合格;Ⅱ.可靠地高速回转;Ⅲ.转子运转平
  • In an ordinary four-stroke engine the exhaust valves open (

    In an ordinary four-stroke engine the exhaust valves open ()防止拉缸的工艺措施主要是()。Ⅰ.保证活塞运动装置的安装精度;Ⅱ.保证活塞运动装置的对中性;Ⅲ.采用波纹加工;Ⅳ.采用精车加工;Ⅴ.采用研磨加工。利
  • In order to ensure perfect atomization, the fuel oil () be

    In order to ensure perfect atomization, the fuel oil () before injection.轴系中心线的偏差度反映的是()的程度。Among the main propulsion units on board the ship with the same capacity, the lightest
  • In an engine with a pot-shaped piston, some lubricating oil

    In an engine with a pot-shaped piston, some lubricating oil from the main bearing will pass along a () in the crankshaft to the bottom end bearing andthen up a connection rod to the gudgeon pin.柴油
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