- Generally the function of lubrication is to form of a film of lubricant between any two surfaces that have relative (), so that surfaces dont get touch with each other.废气锅炉窄点越(),锅炉受热面
- For an ordinary four-stroke diesel engine the exhaust valves close ().已知6300ZC型船用柴油机气缸套最大内径增量为1.2mm,则最大缸径为()。液压拉伸器的液压系统中的液压油绝对不可使用()。Ⅰ.液压油;Ⅱ.系
- For one or two types of engine,the piston and rod can be withdrawn downwards from the cylinder into the crankcase and then out through ().增压器校中测量是通过测量()间隙进行对中情况的精确检验。Air
- Fuels of high quality with their earlier ignitions will cause higher ()pressure in cylinders of a diesel engine.常见气阀的损伤有()等。Ⅰ.气阀阀盘锥面;Ⅱ.阀面的烧伤与高温腐蚀;Ⅲ.阀盘与阀杆的裂纹;Ⅳ.
- Fuel injection uses the jet pump system and a Woodward type hydraulic () is used to control engine speed.吊缸检修柴油机连杆螺栓时一定要()。活塞裙外圆与活塞杆外圆的同轴度偏差应不大于()。油润滑艉
- Fuel is delivered into the combustion space by ().吊缸发现燃烧室零件表面有水锈时,表明()产生穿透性裂纹。排气阀阀杆磨损超过标准要求时,可采用()工艺修复阀杆。也可以采用喷涂或喷焊工艺修复。增压器发生
- For an ordinary four-stroke engine the exhaust valves open ().根据46艘柴油机船的调查统计,航行总时间达111万h,此期间主机停车和减速故障共1200次,如通过某运河的时间为10h,则过某运河的可靠度为()。The par
- For a main diesel engine the lube oil in the bearings is drawn from (), usually located in the bedplate.针阀体的喷孔磨损后使孔径增大()时需要换新针阀体。压气机叶片损伤是由于()造成的。Ⅰ.轴承严重磨
- For an ordinary four-stroke engine the inlet valves open ()船舶动力装置达到规定可靠性的有力保证是()。在平台上用Ⅴ形铁支承活塞杆,检查活塞与活塞杆同轴度时,活塞转动一周,测得()径向跳动即为同轴度误差
- Fuel is not supplied to the corresponding cylinders due to ().At least () cylinders in four-stroke engine will be configured to ensure that the engine can be started with the crankshaft at whateve
- Either a low injection pressure or a leakage of piston rings is able to lead ().指出下述哪一项不是船舶动力装置的重量性能指标()。二冲程十字头式柴油机活塞运动部件纵向校中的目的是使活塞与气缸套在()
- Each piston stuffing box is provided with two sealing rings and three()拆下来的增压器转子一般应该(),不仅防止事故扩大,更重要的是保护了转子,但缺点是()。衡量轴系同轴度实测值δ总、φ总的标准,下列()
- Each journal and pin should be examined for () and grooving.柱塞偶件配合面磨损后会导致()。Ⅰ.喷油压力下降;Ⅱ.喷油定时延后;Ⅲ.喷油量减少;Ⅳ.喷油时间延长。The fine filters will be arranged () one c
- For a diesel engine, when the piston is at the (), the clearance volume is the largest.由于船舶的特殊性,使动力装置的可靠性更为重要和复杂。它与下列因素有关()。Ⅰ.各组成设备的可靠性;Ⅱ.各组成设备的维
- Expansion tank should be used to remove () from cooling water.防止拉缸的工艺措施主要是()。Ⅰ.保证活塞运动装置的安装精度;Ⅱ.保证活塞运动装置的对中性;Ⅲ.采用波纹加工;Ⅳ.采用精车加工;Ⅴ.采用研磨加工。
- Excessive clearances in the main or crank-pin bearings will sometimes be indicated by () before any bearing knock is heard.6ESD43/82型船用柴油机气缸套最大内径增量为1.5mm,则最大缸径为()。轴系校中状
- Factor influencing the position of the interface between the liquid seal and the oil in a purifier is ().MAN-B&W公司推出的标准废气锅炉系统,主要特点是废气锅炉为单压蒸汽系统;产生饱和蒸汽供加热之
- Emulsion oils and sodium nitrite are both approved additives, but () cannot be used if any pipes are galvanized or if soldered joints exist.吊缸发现燃烧室零件表面有水锈时,表明()产生穿透性裂纹。轴
- Engine fuel pump index is ().关于曲轴臂距差的测量值如果测量点距曲柄销中心线越远,则臂距差的测量值()。在用液压拉伸器检查底脚螺栓的松紧度时,底脚螺栓螺帽附近的机座平面(用于支撑拉伸器的平面)一定要清
- Engage the flywheel with the ().可靠性对船舶动力装置具有特别重要的意义,可靠性不足会()。废气锅炉出口排烟温度t2不应低于露点,为了最大限度利用排气余热,在标定工况下,t2=露点+△t(℃),式中△t不应小于()℃.
- Exhaust temperature increases in all cylinders, the possible cause may be()(1) increased scavenging air temperature(2) air in fuel pumps and fuel valves(3) fouling of air and gas passagesFactor infl
- Emulsion oils and sodium nitrite are both approved additives, but the latter cannot be used if any pipes are () or if any soldered joints exit.为了检验螺旋桨的螺距应计算出()。Ⅰ.局部螺距;Ⅱ.螺旋桨
- Failure of fuel injection is usually due to trouble in the ().船舶动力装置中的辅助装置是()。柴油机气缸盖产生裂纹的根本原因是()造成的。Ⅰ.过大的热应力;Ⅱ.应力集中;Ⅲ.热疲劳;Ⅳ.机械疲劳;Ⅴ.综合疲劳
- Fix the fuel injector into () after repair.由于铁梨木需进口,价格较高,故采用()作为铁梨木的代用材料。用拉线法检查舵系中心线的状态时所使用的钢丝直径一般()。After the order “()” is given, the air
- Engine () refers to the relative time of position of crank, at which each operation during the cycle is commenced and is completed.大型低速柴油机铸铁气缸套的正常磨损率应()mm/kh。检测轴系中心线状态
- During the inspection, the starting air valves should be closed () the engine from turning.不同动力装置,起航时间不同,低速柴油机比中速柴油机时间(),冬季约为()h。采用压铅法测量主轴承的轴承间隙时,不
- Dirty oil must be () before being used again.吊缸检修后,装复活塞运动部件时,不必()。二冲程十字头式柴油机活塞运动部件横向校中的目的是使活塞与气缸套在()方向的间隙符合要求;导板和滑块之间的()间隙
- During (), the starting air valves should be closed to prevent the engine from turning.船舶动力装置往往以推进装置的类型进行分类,可分为()。柴油机气缸盖产生裂纹后,在分析产生裂纹原因时首先要检查的是
- Each cylinder liner on the marine medium speed engines ().假设某一中央冷却系统中设有三台循环水泵,船舶航行在温带水域若只要两台水泵正常工作就能满足冷却需要,则三台水泵从可靠性角度看就成为()。Ⅰ.并联系
- During working, when the piston is near the (), the air ignites the fine spray of fuel.将主轴颈下沉量视为主轴承下瓦的磨损量是由于()。为了检验螺旋桨的螺距应计算出()。Ⅰ.局部螺距;Ⅱ.螺旋桨总螺距;Ⅲ
- Each crank is made up of two crank webs joined by a common() to which the bottom endbearing is fitted.可靠性定义中所述及的“规定的条件”,包括()。Ⅰ.环境温度、压力、湿度;Ⅱ.振动;Ⅲ.承受的负荷柴油机运
- Each cylinder has one starting valve which is usually opened by air pressure and closed by ()劣质渣油中含有(),使用中使烟灰增加且具有粘性,是烟灰发生沉积的重要原因()。Ⅰ.灰分;Ⅱ.残炭;Ⅲ.硫分曲轴的
- During repair,lubrication lines and orifices must be ().缩短早期故障期的手段是()。Ⅰ.制造时的质量控制;Ⅱ.使用初期的良好磨合;Ⅲ试验时的精心测量In the four-stroke engine, it takes () to make one po
- Each cylinder is closed at the top by a (), made of a special heat-resistant steel.螺旋桨总平均螺距为各桨叶()的算术平均值。流线型舵的缺点是()。Ⅰ.结构复杂;Ⅱ.舵效低;Ⅲ.造价高;Ⅳ.阻力大;Ⅴ.产生的
- Due to () action of pistons some relative motion between parts in contact in the coolant supply and return system must occur.MAN-B&W公司推出的带汽轮发电机的废气锅炉系统,主要特点是它带有给水预热
- During the suction stroke, the piston is moving ().曲轴轴颈的腐蚀主要是()腐蚀。It is important that the water () very often as this can lead to increased deposits.inwards
- Doors are generally formed in the () of the both in-line and Vee engines to give maintenance access to the crankshaft main and connecting rod large end bearing.柱塞-套筒偶件卡紧或咬死是由于()原因
- Dirt in the fuel oil system of a diesel engine can cause ().在相同条件下,部件并联方式的可靠性()。Ⅰ.高于系统并联方式的可靠性;Ⅱ.等于系统并联方式的可靠性;Ⅲ.低于系统并联方式的可靠性轴系两端轴产生同
- Diesel oil may be used to cool () of a diesel engine.废气涡轮增压器壳体腐蚀的原因主要有()等造成。Ⅰ.硫酸腐蚀;Ⅱ.穴蚀;Ⅲ.高速气流引发的腐蚀;Ⅳ.冷却水腔的海水腐蚀;Ⅴ.喷水腐蚀。艉轴铜套损坏的主要形式
- Diesel engines are started by supplying () into the cylinders in the appropriate sequence for the required direction.若已知曲轴的轴线状态呈拱腰形,则其两主轴承高度必然()于相邻轴承,测得臂距差为()